Saturday, September 22, 2007

Baghdad Boy - Entry Point

As we all know that Filipinos are banned from entering Iraq as noted on the first page of a Filipino passport, "Not valid to travel to Iraq" but somehow Filipinos has "ways" and "means" on how to get to Iraq.

An early interesting experience was the route from Baghdad International Airport going to the so called International Zone or Green Zone, they said as the "safest" place in Baghdad. The escorts, personal security guys mostly ex military with tattooed arms. They will provide and let you wear bullet proof vest and give instruction in case under attack, that they are here to protect.

From Baghdad International Airport going to the International Zone is a 20 - 30 minutes ride on 4 car convoy equipped with radios and automatic weapons (AK47s, submachine guns and 9mms). The ride is on a Mercedes Benz with bullet proof doors. Distance between cars is always 100 meter apart. Along the way you could see lots of US Military on humvees in convoy. I cannot distinguish if they are US Marines or US Army and other groups of with personal body guards and having high end equiptments and hardwares. They said that the highway from Baghdad International airport going to IZ is the most dangerous highway on earth. They believe that there are snipers along the way and car bombers as well but I didn't know about it til I hear stories from other Filipinos who had been here for quite some time now. The adrenalin is high for a fresh meat like me. I don't know if I am scared or not. I've been asking myself if this is stupidity or just the call of opportunity to be here bringing myself to one of the most dangerous place on earth. I am here now doing my job. More experiences will be posted soon . . .

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