Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to download TV Series on your favorite torrent site

I will be out of Baghdad soon and this guide will assist you in downloading your favorite TV Series :) . . . So from this point onwards you need to help your selves.

Go to - this site contains almost all popular TV series. I choose this site since I find it to be reliable on its contents compared to other sites and it is virus free. Normally IT guys like me would blocked this site on the network since this will eat up all the bandwidth if everybody is doing a download from this site.

If it's block try to be friend your IT guy. Just tell him how nice and good looking he is and let's see if that works! :)

This is how the site looks. NOTE: You can always click on the image to see a larger view.
Now to download your favorite TV Series you may browse and locate the title alphabetically  or you can just type the title and search it. Say we'd like to search for 24 so we type 24 on the search area then click on the search button (circled in red)

This would show up all the TV series titles on the list. You can always check on the date if there's a new file (circled on red)

Click on the first link of 24 on the list (the one with a red and yellow New word)

This would show up all the seasons and video format for TV Series 24 but what we're currently interested in is the latest season which is season 8. With regards to the format I always use XviD(HDTV) for the main reason that it's size is only 350MB more or less and it is on avi format and the quality is acceptable.

Now click on the link that you prefer (in our case the link that is circled in red)

This will show up the page for 24 Season 8 and the episodes available on the list.
The list is divided into two parts . . . eD2K files and Torrent files. We are more interested on the torrent files which can be found on the lower part of the page.

Now click on the episode link that you want to download. The latest file is episode 16.

When clicking any of the links a pop up window will show up prompting you to save the file.
Now save the file on your pc.

Now that you have the torrent file what are you going to do with it? Fire up your favorite torrent client. If you still don't have you may download u Torrent or BitComet or any torrent client that you are familiar with. For the sake of this example I will be using uTorrent.

Now let's open u Torrent client and this is how the main window looks

Let's add the torrent file that we've save recently. Click on file then select Add Torrent

Locate the file that you've downloaded recently then click on Open

This window will show up. Just click on OK.
Please take note of the directory path in which the file will be save (circled in red).

Once you click on OK the download process will start. 
The details of the download is visible on the page.

A PIECE OF ADVICE: Please respect other users on your respective networks. Do your downloads late at night or when the network is not that busy. If you abuse your network and the IT guy would know about it then say good bye to your download days :) . . .

That's all folks  . . .

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