Sunday, September 30, 2007

How to Unbrick a Bricked Unlocked iPhone: the JesusPhone Walks Again

Here's a very easy method to defeat Apple and bring your bricked unlocked iPhone back from death. If you have an unlocked iPhone and you updated to firmware 1.1.1, you now can revive and bring all your third-party applications back by following these steps to restore firmware 1.0.2. This has been confirmed by the Dev Team, we are testing now live.

read more | digg story

Saturday, September 29, 2007

GPMC Script Samples

The Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) can be scripted by using a built-in COM object.

This package contains a great deal of script examples:

System requirements:
Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista

Download here

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Windows Script 5.7 released!

Microsoft just gave us an updated version of the Windows Script engine that we all love so much... This version brings very few additions, but great many fixes.

From release notes:
This release of Windows Script brings the improvements in scripting made during the Vista development cycle to downlevel platforms. During any release cycle we test with increasingly effective analysis tools designed to expose stability problems, memory leaks, and potential security weaknesses in code. The results from this testing comprise the vast majority of changes. Of course, we also include all the current security updates. This is the fastest, most robust, and secure release of Windows Script available.

Why Version 5.7?
The primary reason for changing the version number from 5.6 to 5.7 is to simplify servicing and support by synchronizing the versioning to a consistent scheme based on Vista build number. The minor version increase does not indicate significant new features. The scripting feature set is substantially the same as 5.6, with only minor additions.

What’s New
In addition to the general improvements noted above, the following are some of the notable changes in this release.

• This package includes the improved garbage collector (GC) shipped with Internet Explorer 7 and Vista. The new GC can dramatically improve the performance of applications that create large numbers of objects, such as Ajax-style web applications. These performance improvements are now available to users of earlier browsers.This work replaces and improves upon KB919237. If you have implemented KB919237, we recommend removing the registry keys.
• New progid JScript.Compact implements the JScript Compact Profile (ECMA 327). This is a profile of the ECMAScript language standard with a subset of features. See the ECMA 327 standard for more information.
• Update for new Daylight Savings Time rules.

• VBScript defines a new global function GetUILanguage that returns the current default user interface language. This is the same value returned by the Windows API GetUserDefaultUILanguage. Script authors can now write code that is aware of the current user’s language preference.
• Fix crash when calling VBScript class objects from JScript.
• Fix problems with comparisons to NaN in some versions (KB901104).VBScript and JScript
• Support for large address space on machines with > 2GB RAM (KB890048)
• Improved stack checking makes script more robust in the face of stack overflows.
• Fix miscellaneous TLS leaks and memory leaks, including using the RegEx object with more than 10 sub-matches.Windows Scripting Host
• Fixed rare deadlocks in remote scripting. Prevents occasional hangs in remote scripts.
• Fixed propagation of error return codes in remote scripting. Error codes produced by remote scripts are more reliably returned to the client.
• Fixed attempting to load nonexistent wshenu.dll which created performance problem in login scripts.

Included KB’s
This release also contains fixes described in the following knowledgebase articles.
KB919237 (superceded by new GC)

Download here:
Windows Script 5.7 for Windows 2000
Windows Script 5.7 for Windows XP
Windows Script 5.7 for Windows Server 2003
Windows Script 5.7 Release Notes

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Windows Server 2008 RC0 is out there!

It's so exciting - Windows Server 2008 RC0 is out there and ready to be downloaded!

Read the team blog here:

Download CTP here:

.. go get it from Technet (if you are a subscriber).

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Baghdad Boy - The Environment

The Office and area of work is just beside the building where you rest. The company provides everything from food to laundry. The place is being surrounded with Concrete T Walls as protection against mortar attacks.A few months ago daily mortar attack was normal. Expect at least 35 drops a day. A nearby police station was hit by a mortar. It's good that spy planes was able to locate the origin of the attack and it was neutralized. A mortar was also found nearby but didn't do a bang and it was found out that it's made in Iran.

There's no weekend here, what I mean is, you can't expect to have a weekend since there's no place to go except the office, your room, a nearby PX, the only available place where you could get some personal stuff with a little choice of electronic gadgets and military supplies. Just like a 711 (larger version). There is always a body and car search everywhere you go, you need to turn off your phone and go to a bunker while they search the car for possible bombs. Phone with camera is not allowed at all. Although it can cause so much delay but it's good for everybody. The guards who usually do the body search were latinos.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Baghdad Boy - Entry Point

As we all know that Filipinos are banned from entering Iraq as noted on the first page of a Filipino passport, "Not valid to travel to Iraq" but somehow Filipinos has "ways" and "means" on how to get to Iraq.

An early interesting experience was the route from Baghdad International Airport going to the so called International Zone or Green Zone, they said as the "safest" place in Baghdad. The escorts, personal security guys mostly ex military with tattooed arms. They will provide and let you wear bullet proof vest and give instruction in case under attack, that they are here to protect.

From Baghdad International Airport going to the International Zone is a 20 - 30 minutes ride on 4 car convoy equipped with radios and automatic weapons (AK47s, submachine guns and 9mms). The ride is on a Mercedes Benz with bullet proof doors. Distance between cars is always 100 meter apart. Along the way you could see lots of US Military on humvees in convoy. I cannot distinguish if they are US Marines or US Army and other groups of with personal body guards and having high end equiptments and hardwares. They said that the highway from Baghdad International airport going to IZ is the most dangerous highway on earth. They believe that there are snipers along the way and car bombers as well but I didn't know about it til I hear stories from other Filipinos who had been here for quite some time now. The adrenalin is high for a fresh meat like me. I don't know if I am scared or not. I've been asking myself if this is stupidity or just the call of opportunity to be here bringing myself to one of the most dangerous place on earth. I am here now doing my job. More experiences will be posted soon . . .

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Teeth of the Tiger

Just finished this novel and somehow I was not able to let go of it. I was done with it in less than 36 hours. Truly I am a Clancy fan. Novel summary below is courtesy of wikipedia.
Prior to this I have read Without Remorse and The Cardinal of the Kremlin.

The Teeth of the Tiger is a 2003 techno-thriller novel by Tom Clancy. It is about an intelligence agency, called Hendley Associates, which is "off the books" and thus freed from the shackles of Congressional oversight. This agency was set up by Jack Ryan when he was President. It funds its operations by intercepting communications between the CIA and the NSA, and using the information gained to make money on the stock market.

Plot Summary

The novel begins with the assassination of a Mossad agent in Rome. Jack Ryan Jr., the son of former President Jack Ryan soon finds himself confronting the world of international terrorism in the post-9/11 world along with his twin cousins. "The Campus", the nickname for Hendley Associates, is an "off the books" intelligence agency. Created by the former president Jack Ryan, The Campus keeps itself funded by playing the stock market which allows them to prevent Congress from overseeing them and thereby allowing them to kill targets without legal constraints.

The Campus sends out a strike team that utilizes succinylcholine to execute terrorists. It's all training until a group of Islamic fundamentalists cross the U.S.-Mexico border with a crate of sub-machine guns and attacks suburban malls across the nation. Then the team goes across Europe killing the terrorists.

Characters in "The Teeth of the Tiger"

  • Jack [Shortstop] Ryan Jr – protagonist, son of Jack Ryan Sr.
  • Dominic "Enzo" Caruso – FBI agent brother in "the Campus"
  • Brian "Aldo" Caruso – US Marine brother in "the Campus"
  • Sally [Shadow] Ryan – Jack Ryan Sr's daughter
  • Katie [Sandbox] Ryan – Jack Ryan Sr's daughter, still in school
  • Gerry Hendley – former senator and friend of Jack Ryan Sr
  • Mohammed – one of key leaders in The Emir's organization